New “The Sinking City” Concept Pieces Revealed
Some new concept pieces from our upcoming game, and what they represent.
Hello dear Frogwares reader,
A few weeks ago, we’ve shown a new batch of The Sinking City concept pieces. In case you missed them, we’ve put them all here in one place, so they do not get lost in the infinite flood that are social media timelines and news feeds.
With these pieces, we wanted to show you what you can expect from the locations of The Sinking City. But first up, a quick little explanation. With concept art, it’s not just the literal “what you see is what you get” type of scenario – concept art also guides the rest of the production team in the type of feeling and vibe that we want to convey. With these pieces, we wanted to show that Oakmont is a thick, gloomy, and in some way, a depressing kind of place. We want players to feel that they might be loosing control in the environment that they are in – they are not masters of the place, but merely trying to survive in it.
One of the things that made Lovecraft such a special writer was his ability to show mental decay – and that is what we want to show in The Sinking City as well. Strange things are happening in the city, a terrible flood has swept the streets, and madness is setting over like a morning fog – that’s what the people within Oakmont experience along with the player. And these pieces are trying to convey those very thoughts. Did we succeed? Please, let us know.
We will be publishing new art from the game soon, and not just of locations – people, buildings, characters, they all start in the one’s mind. So stay tuned to our blog, or come pay us a visit on our Facebook and Twitter channels to see them. After all, being swept in the infinite flood that is social media is not that bad of a thing as well…