Discover Sherlock Holmes Chapter One
In this story-driven detective thriller, a young Sherlock Holmes struggles to prove himself as he navigates an exotic, dangerous island in the Mediterranean to investigate the mystery of his mother’s death. Out in 2021 for PC, PS5, Xbox Series X|S and last gen!
Wishlist now on Steam, Epic Games Store, GOG or PS5! Xbox Series and last gen store pages are coming later.
In Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, you are Sherlock – a 21 year old brilliant, but rebellious young man, itching to prove yourself. When an old wound compels you back to the Mediterranean shore where your mother died, it seems like the perfect opportunity to do just that.
But beneath the vibrant urban veneer of the island, the rhythm of the local life strikes a more ominous beat. Crime and corruption, a twisted sense of justice and morality… These are just a few stumbling-blocks in your quest for truth.
As Sherlock, your legacy is written by the decisions you make in this open world. Deception, violence, and deduction are just a few resources in your arsenal—your mysterious friend and sounding board, Jon, is another.
Whether you choose brute force to solve problems or stay one step ahead of your enemies by using your wits to spot vulnerabilities, you decide what each situation demands as you hone your investigative skills. It’s time to confront your past so you can become the legend you’re destined to be!
The Man Before. As a cavalier young Sherlock on the precipice of adulthood, you’ll earn your reputation in a way no game or story has explored before. We’ve never seen the youthful arrogance and naiveté of the man before the legend—now you’re living it.
Global Investigation. You never know where your next clue will come from. Explore and exploit the entire city in your pursuit of truth, using clues, rumors, disguises, labels, and pinned evidence to build a solid case within your mind palace.
And Stay Down. Spot enemy vulnerabilities with your brilliant observation skills, or exploit the environment to take someone down while keeping your own hands clean. Weapons might help you in a pinch, but there’s something to be said for style—and you have it in spades.
A Different Jon. Before John Watson, there was a different Jon – your best and only friend. But who is he, really?
A Darkening Tide. A vibrant open-world island in the Mediterranean promises anything but paradise. Political corruption and crime run rampant while the islanders cling to tradition and eschew outsiders, making your job even more difficult.
Truth and Lies. There are two sides to every story, and the proud islanders have their own ideas about truth and justice. It’s up to you to decide whether uncovering the truth will do more harm than good. And how that will shape the man you’ll become.
Sherlock Holmes: Chapter One will be a complete game which we are developing and publishing entirely by ourselves. It will release sometime in 2021 and will be available on PC, PS4, Xbox One and next-gen platforms.
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