Sherlock Holmes The Awakened Funded On Kickstarter!
We are blown away that together with your help we could achieve not only our goal but even more, way more.
Hello all,
Our Sherlock Holmes The Awakened Kickstarter campaign has come to an end. What a fantastic journey it was! We are blown away that together with your help we could achieve not only our goal but even more, way more. And we did all that in 30 days too! What a month.

We want to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts who backed our project on Kickstarter. With your help, we can bring our project with additional features and we can feel more secure while this “situation” in our country resolves. With your support, we’ll be able to release Sherlock Holmes The Awakened in the way we wanted. We can now fully focus on the production process without having to worry about the financial aspect. It’s one less “thing” that no longer occupies our minds. So thank you all. It really means the world to us.
Don’t worry though, it’s not the end of this journey, it’s just the beginning. We will send out reward surveys soon to all of you that backed us (please keep an eye out for those!). We will also keep you in the loop on how Sherlock Holmes The Awakened is progressing. There will be gameplay that we’ll like to show, trailers, screenshots, maybe AMA’s (would you like us to do an AMA with you?), and loads, loads more. The way we see it, this adventure has only just begun! So come on detectives, we have a game to make and later on to play!
Thank you and speak to you soon,
Frogwares Team
P.S. For more updates on our games, visit our social media channels:
Frogwares Twitter — twitter.com/Frogwares
The Sinking City — Facebook Twitter
Sherlock Holmes Franchise — Facebook Twitter
Frogwares YouTube — YouTube